Thursday, 1 March 2012

NOTD OPI Nicki Minaj Collection

Hey guys

Today I thought I would show you a little Nail of the Day with one of the offerings from OPI's Nicki Minaj Collection.  This is Pink Friday:

Without Flash

Without Flash

With Flash
This is a lovely creamy bubblegum pink.  The first coat went on a bit streaky, which I find to be quite common with the lighter OPI colours.  However, a second coat sorts this problem out.  It dries fairly quickly and wears well - I had it on for three days with no sign of a chip which is good for me!

In case you're wondering, here's a stock photo of the entire collection:

I also had planned to pick up 'Metallic for Life' which is a black with silver glitter but when I saw it in the flesh I wasn't so sure as it was more silver looking than black and just didn't match up to what I thought it was.  I'm not usually one for shatter polishes but the Super Bass Shatter actually looks gorgeous and I may just purchase it next!


  1. I'm inviting you to join my giveaway for a chance to win a $20 giftcard from sneakpeeq!!!

    here's the link:

    hope you'll drop by and join! have a great day!

    x o x o

  2. great color! following!
