Saturday, 3 March 2012

Primark Eye Make Up Remover Pads

Today I thought I would write a post on these Primark fragrance free eye make-up remover pads that I picked up last week.

I was wandering through Penneys/Primark when I spotted these and decided to try them out seeing that they were only €1.50 for a twin pack.  Well I'm sorry to say I should have kept my €1.50 in my pocket.  I've tried them out on a few different occasions now and while they are OK at removing eyeshadow, after that their capabilities end.  All they seem to do is smear eyeliner and mascara (and not even waterproof eyeliner or mascara at that) around my face with not a chance of actually removing it.  They also get quite fluffy with lint coming off them and sticking to my eyelashes.

There are 1 or 2 positive things to say about them though - they are really moist and they are not at all irritating or drying on the eyes, so I guess you could use them for something like freshening up your eyes in the morning.

Overall though, not a good buy.  I have heard positive things about Primark's larger makeup remover wipes for the face but I haven't tried them yet myself - have any of you got any opinions on them?

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